Monday, February 22, 2016

6 Easy Ways to Build Muscle Faster

It is a well-known fact that whoever wants to get fit, also somehow wants to build muscles; and, building a muscle is not easy. Yet, one of the reasons I started this blog is to help YOU realize that if something is hard, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Both skinny and people with a huge body mass ponder upon how to build muscles.  In fact, I had the same problem and below, you’ll find tips on ways to build muscle faster!
  1. Calories
Knowing how much calories you need take in (especially if you’re skinny and trying to put on some mass) is definitely important. You should need your daily calories take in,  depend on your age and weight. Please use the following basic formula to determine how much calories you need to put on muscle mass: Weight*20= daily calorie intake.
  1. Strength
Generally, the stronger you are the more muscles you have. Focus on strengthening your muscles by lifting more often (twice a week at least). The more you lift the stronger you get. If you add more weights every time you lift, you know you are doing great. If you haven’t done, it is not too late to start adding now.
  1. Compound Exercises
Compound exercises aren’t just going to build muscle, they are going to make you stronger. Isolation movements are important but not important as the compound movements because compound works on major muscles. Some compound exercises include: dead-lifts, squats, bench presses, rows, etc. I usually do my compound exercises at the beginning of my workout routine. So, when I get tired I switch to the isolation movements.

  1. Proper Form
Proper Form is truly most important thing when it comes to building muscles. My first three months, I noticed I not was gaining a single muscle. The reason was, I was not focusing my form.  You need to feel the stress in your muscle. In my case, when I was lifting three months ago, I felt nothing and gained nothing.

  1. Progressive Lifting
Lifting more than the last can easily help build muscle. Progressive lifting will make your muscle grow because the more weights you add, the more your muscles tear and grow. In fact, whenever I lift more weight than my last workout I feel like pumped and more muscles in my body. For example, during my bench-press training, I usually add  2-5lb weekly.

  1. Patience
Patience is a virtue! Building muscles is a time consuming business. Some of us will give up the first few weeks because there is no noticeable difference. Great physique will take a year or two years to build but you need to be patient. People who have great bodies worked for years to get where they are now. There is no magic workout that will change your physique over night. You need to invest time into your body, and using these 6 tips, you will definitely build muscle!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Get Fit With AC: 6 Ways I ensured My Fitness Path

Get Fit With AC: 6 Ways I ensured My Fitness Path: Every year, there are thousands of people who try to make a change. Just a few of them do but the majority fail. The majority who fail are ...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

5 Exercises That Will Help You Lose Weight!

Today I am going to share with you 5 essential exercises that you can help you lose weight without leaving the comforts of your home. These exercises are basic and almost everyone can mechanically perform them. All you need is dedication and a little bit of your time. It can be 5-10 minutes. You can do it anytime of the day: morning, afternoon, evening. But, I will recommend you perform these exercises when you wake up in the morning. Your stomach is empty and you can easily burn fat. Please find the exercises below:
  1. Sit Ups
Sit ups is one of the easiest exercises that you can burn fat with. Tt doesn’t only work on  your abdominal area, but also it also your hips, chest, and glutes. You can literally do this exercise anywhere and without using any special equipments.

How to do sit ups:
  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent
  • Place your hands crossed on your chest
  • Contract your abs and then lift up your body until you reach your knees, do this as you exhale.
  • Never rest on the ground while you are doing reps.
  • Your head should be relaxed and looking straight.
  • Move back to your starting position
  • Repeat.

  1. Lying Leg Raises
The great thing about this exercise is it’s a compound exercise. It doesn’t target a specific muscle, but a set of muscles. These are: legs, glutes, hamstrings, abs, and even arms!

How to do Leg Raise:
  • You have to lie down on the ground
  • Put both your legs as close as you can
  • Lift them up and move them towards your belly
  • Now return to your original position
  • Continue this until you get tired and you finish your set

  1. Pushup
This exercise is one of the best home exercises to lose weight. Push-up works on your chest, triceps, and shoulders. It’s a great thing to burn fat in three areas doing one exercise. There are many versions of pushups. If you are a complete beginner just do the knee pushup but I will recommend to you to do the traditional pushup.
  1. Jump Squats!               
Jump squat is one of  the most effective exercises out there. It works on your whole body and its a great cardio workout, too. It manages to tone your quads and your thighs.
How to do Jump Squats:
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Start by doing a regular squat,
  • Keep your core and jump up explosively.
  • When you land down, you need to bend down
  • Do this until you finish you reps

  1. Jump Rope
One of my favorite exercises to this day is jump rope. It is such an effective exercise because it targets every muscle in the body. Jump rope is cheap and can easily fit in your gym bag, school bag or even your pockets. Jump rope becomes more fun when you challenge your friends and colleagues whom you workout with.
How to do jump rope:

  • If you are really new to jump rope, I will really recommend you start by watching a clip of jump rope. All you’re doing is jumping while the rope passes your airborne feet.
  • If you passed that stage, just hold the rope in one hand and swing it so you can warm.
  • Jump 1 to 2 inches off the ground, do it as fast as you so the rope can slip it easily.
  • Close the shoulders and prevent them from rotating. The rotation comes from the wrists not the shoulders.
  • Aaaand you’re a jump rope expert!

Friday, February 12, 2016

5 Foods that Fought My Fitness

You know that when making a major life-shifting change, we ought to start with our habits. In this case, food is your biggest enemy that blocks you from reaching our goals; either too much unhealthy foods, or insufficient food. For the purpose of this post, we’ll stick to the former. There are a lot of foods out there which are stopping YOU from getting fit. Some of these foods are really tasteful and they are killing you slowly. One cannot change that unless he/she starts with stopping harmful eating habits. Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know what’s harmful. That’s why I’ve created the simple diet on my blog. If you stick to the plan, I assure you, you will really be surprised at how efficient and healthy you’ll become. Are you ready to discover what are those foods are? Keep on reading!

  1. Energy Drinks
Energy drinks can provide energy (of course) because of the calories that are in it. The “energy” comes from the amount of caffeine in them; and, as we know, caffeine is super addictive. Other products that are addictive in energy drinks are: taurine, carnitine, creatine, sugar, etc.  I used to consume energy drinks to increase my concentration and alertness. I thought they’ll turn me into a beast while at the gym, but the truth is, energy drink (whichever label) is harmful for you. Just look at the nutrition facts below.

  1. Ice cream
Ice cream is loaded with sugar;  It is also a high-fat food. There is around a 10% milk fats in it.  Foods that have milk fat that high are usually cholesterol and saturated fat. If your cholesterol level is high, it can easily build up massive fatty deposit. And that is one thing we all want to avoid while we are trying to lose weight and get fit. I was someone who was really addicted to ice cream. It was my favorite dessert. Not anymore! You can check the nutrition facts below.

  1. Soft drinks
Soft drinks are full of carbonated water, a sweetener, and artificial flavoring. They are linked with so many health problems such as, obesity, diabetes, and dental caries. Soft drinks are literally everywhere today and we should be alert. I used to drink coke a lot
and I can talk about how unhealthy soda is all day. If you cannot give up ice-cream or energy drinks, you absolutely HAVE to give up soda. Check out the nutrition facts.  
  1.  Fast Food
I used to eat fast food regularly. I was working out but still the results were same. I wasn’t losing weight and in fact I was gaining. Eating fast regularly can increase your chances of getting cardiovascular disease,diabetes, obesity.  If you can cut off your life from fast food you can easily live healthy life.
  1. Microwave Popcorn  
Microwave Popcorn is the kind of food which is deliciously dangerous. We all felt in love with the smell of the microwave popcorn. But, did you know that smell is a chemical called diacetyl? Trans-fats is also high in microwave Popcorn.  I was not really a big fan of microwave  popcorn but I used to eat a lot when going to the cinema. No mas! Take a look the nutrition facts below.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jump Rope

During my transformation journey, I have countless exercises and “tricks” to help me lose weight. Part of the reason why I created this blog is for YOU to avoid the trial and error phase, and get results fast! One of my favorite exercises to this day is jump rope. It is such an effective excercise because it targets every muscle in the body. We’ve all tried jump rope at some point in our lives (I hope). Good news for those of us who never tried or are too lazy: It is never too late! You can easily burn massive amounts of calories without leaving the comforts of your home, workplace, or school. Below, you can find the benefits and basics of jump rope.  
  1. Benefits of Jump rope: Improves
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle tone
  • Less injuries
  • Fun :)
  • bone density
  • coordination
  • Focusing
  • Vision
  1. Basic Requirements
  • A rope which depending on your height you can comfortably jump
  • Space
  • Water (Hydration is always key!)
  • Timer
  1. How to do jump rope

  • If you are really new to jump rope, I will really recommend you start by watching a clip of jump rope. All you’re doing is jumping while the rope passes your airborne feet.
  • If you passed that stage, just hold the rope in one hand and swing it so you can warm.
  • Jump 1 to 2 inches off the ground, do it as fast as you so the rope can slip it easily.
  • Close the shoulders and  prevent them from rotating. The rotation comes from the wrists not the shoulders.
  • Aaaand you’re a jump rope expert!
Jump rope is cheap and can easily fit in your gym bag, school bag or even your pockets. Jump rope becomes more fun when you challenge your friends and collegues whom you workout with. For example, I challenge myself and my roommates to do 1000 skips every night. It’s a high goal to reach, but being able to compete raises the bar. At the end of the day, just ollow your heart and go hard on yourself.  I hope you liked this post, and there are many more to come. Hit share and spread the love. Comment please and let me know what are your reactions?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

6 Ways I ensured My Fitness Path

Every year, there are thousands of people who try to make a change. Just a few of them do but the majority fail. The majority who fail are lacking of determination. They don't have fitness goals.

Obviously, if you are reading this you are trying to outline your goals. If you don't have goals, you are just wasting your time and my advice to you is make your fitness goal now. Without goals, you will never reach anywhere.

Getting fit is not an easy job. You have to work for it. It doesn't happen by accident or coincidence. Set certain goals for yourself and make sure you are following. Start mastering yourself and take charge of your fitness journey. Here are 6 ways I ensured my fitness path was going right and I do it until today.

Know your Standard

Knowing how fit you are today can make a lot of change. Because, you wouldn't know your strength and your weakness. To do that, you should perform cardio. Before, when I was not fit as I'm today I couldn't do 5 minutes of jogging. Now, I can do one hour of jogging.

Set a Realistic Goal 

People who fail to reach there fitness goals always set unrealistic goals. Unrealistic goals set the stage for failure. Some of them say we will go to the gym everyday and workout 3 hours. After four days, they usually quite because they get tired of to much weight lifting. I know this because I have been there twice. You need rests and one hour of working out is enough. But, I don't you cannot go to gym everyday. If you can, its fine but honestly you wouldn't like it. The kinda of realistic goal, I had is lose weight in three months. So, I researched about that and I reached.

Look at the mirror 

Take a picture every month or every week whatever that works for you. I took a video before I started working out and I looked back after three months. It really made me happy and honestly that made go to gym that day.

Workout Plans 

This is the most important thing because without plans, you will be in a mess. Plans make everything easy and having workout plans can change your body. Working-out certain of your body daily can make your fitness journey easily.


Getting motivated can make your workouts easy. Like I said earlier, my previous photos motivates me. Find whatever, that makes you workout even if its a you-tube video. which most of them do!

Reward Yourself

The journey can be long and it will take a time. When you are trying to accomplish something like that you need a patience. Complaint yourself and tell your mind that you are on the right path can make a difference. Rewarding yourself can be anything like buying a beautiful shirt for yourself whenever reach a milestone. For example, I rewarded myself Air max sneakers when I became 73 kg.