Friday, February 12, 2016

5 Foods that Fought My Fitness

You know that when making a major life-shifting change, we ought to start with our habits. In this case, food is your biggest enemy that blocks you from reaching our goals; either too much unhealthy foods, or insufficient food. For the purpose of this post, we’ll stick to the former. There are a lot of foods out there which are stopping YOU from getting fit. Some of these foods are really tasteful and they are killing you slowly. One cannot change that unless he/she starts with stopping harmful eating habits. Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know what’s harmful. That’s why I’ve created the simple diet on my blog. If you stick to the plan, I assure you, you will really be surprised at how efficient and healthy you’ll become. Are you ready to discover what are those foods are? Keep on reading!

  1. Energy Drinks
Energy drinks can provide energy (of course) because of the calories that are in it. The “energy” comes from the amount of caffeine in them; and, as we know, caffeine is super addictive. Other products that are addictive in energy drinks are: taurine, carnitine, creatine, sugar, etc.  I used to consume energy drinks to increase my concentration and alertness. I thought they’ll turn me into a beast while at the gym, but the truth is, energy drink (whichever label) is harmful for you. Just look at the nutrition facts below.

  1. Ice cream
Ice cream is loaded with sugar;  It is also a high-fat food. There is around a 10% milk fats in it.  Foods that have milk fat that high are usually cholesterol and saturated fat. If your cholesterol level is high, it can easily build up massive fatty deposit. And that is one thing we all want to avoid while we are trying to lose weight and get fit. I was someone who was really addicted to ice cream. It was my favorite dessert. Not anymore! You can check the nutrition facts below.

  1. Soft drinks
Soft drinks are full of carbonated water, a sweetener, and artificial flavoring. They are linked with so many health problems such as, obesity, diabetes, and dental caries. Soft drinks are literally everywhere today and we should be alert. I used to drink coke a lot
and I can talk about how unhealthy soda is all day. If you cannot give up ice-cream or energy drinks, you absolutely HAVE to give up soda. Check out the nutrition facts.  
  1.  Fast Food
I used to eat fast food regularly. I was working out but still the results were same. I wasn’t losing weight and in fact I was gaining. Eating fast regularly can increase your chances of getting cardiovascular disease,diabetes, obesity.  If you can cut off your life from fast food you can easily live healthy life.
  1. Microwave Popcorn  
Microwave Popcorn is the kind of food which is deliciously dangerous. We all felt in love with the smell of the microwave popcorn. But, did you know that smell is a chemical called diacetyl? Trans-fats is also high in microwave Popcorn.  I was not really a big fan of microwave  popcorn but I used to eat a lot when going to the cinema. No mas! Take a look the nutrition facts below.


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