Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jump Rope

During my transformation journey, I have countless exercises and “tricks” to help me lose weight. Part of the reason why I created this blog is for YOU to avoid the trial and error phase, and get results fast! One of my favorite exercises to this day is jump rope. It is such an effective excercise because it targets every muscle in the body. We’ve all tried jump rope at some point in our lives (I hope). Good news for those of us who never tried or are too lazy: It is never too late! You can easily burn massive amounts of calories without leaving the comforts of your home, workplace, or school. Below, you can find the benefits and basics of jump rope.  
  1. Benefits of Jump rope: Improves
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle tone
  • Less injuries
  • Fun :)
  • bone density
  • coordination
  • Focusing
  • Vision
  1. Basic Requirements
  • A rope which depending on your height you can comfortably jump
  • Space
  • Water (Hydration is always key!)
  • Timer
  1. How to do jump rope

  • If you are really new to jump rope, I will really recommend you start by watching a clip of jump rope. All you’re doing is jumping while the rope passes your airborne feet.
  • If you passed that stage, just hold the rope in one hand and swing it so you can warm.
  • Jump 1 to 2 inches off the ground, do it as fast as you so the rope can slip it easily.
  • Close the shoulders and  prevent them from rotating. The rotation comes from the wrists not the shoulders.
  • Aaaand you’re a jump rope expert!
Jump rope is cheap and can easily fit in your gym bag, school bag or even your pockets. Jump rope becomes more fun when you challenge your friends and collegues whom you workout with. For example, I challenge myself and my roommates to do 1000 skips every night. It’s a high goal to reach, but being able to compete raises the bar. At the end of the day, just ollow your heart and go hard on yourself.  I hope you liked this post, and there are many more to come. Hit share and spread the love. Comment please and let me know what are your reactions?

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