Saturday, February 6, 2016

6 Ways I ensured My Fitness Path

Every year, there are thousands of people who try to make a change. Just a few of them do but the majority fail. The majority who fail are lacking of determination. They don't have fitness goals.

Obviously, if you are reading this you are trying to outline your goals. If you don't have goals, you are just wasting your time and my advice to you is make your fitness goal now. Without goals, you will never reach anywhere.

Getting fit is not an easy job. You have to work for it. It doesn't happen by accident or coincidence. Set certain goals for yourself and make sure you are following. Start mastering yourself and take charge of your fitness journey. Here are 6 ways I ensured my fitness path was going right and I do it until today.

Know your Standard

Knowing how fit you are today can make a lot of change. Because, you wouldn't know your strength and your weakness. To do that, you should perform cardio. Before, when I was not fit as I'm today I couldn't do 5 minutes of jogging. Now, I can do one hour of jogging.

Set a Realistic Goal 

People who fail to reach there fitness goals always set unrealistic goals. Unrealistic goals set the stage for failure. Some of them say we will go to the gym everyday and workout 3 hours. After four days, they usually quite because they get tired of to much weight lifting. I know this because I have been there twice. You need rests and one hour of working out is enough. But, I don't you cannot go to gym everyday. If you can, its fine but honestly you wouldn't like it. The kinda of realistic goal, I had is lose weight in three months. So, I researched about that and I reached.

Look at the mirror 

Take a picture every month or every week whatever that works for you. I took a video before I started working out and I looked back after three months. It really made me happy and honestly that made go to gym that day.

Workout Plans 

This is the most important thing because without plans, you will be in a mess. Plans make everything easy and having workout plans can change your body. Working-out certain of your body daily can make your fitness journey easily.


Getting motivated can make your workouts easy. Like I said earlier, my previous photos motivates me. Find whatever, that makes you workout even if its a you-tube video. which most of them do!

Reward Yourself

The journey can be long and it will take a time. When you are trying to accomplish something like that you need a patience. Complaint yourself and tell your mind that you are on the right path can make a difference. Rewarding yourself can be anything like buying a beautiful shirt for yourself whenever reach a milestone. For example, I rewarded myself Air max sneakers when I became 73 kg.

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